A marve*law*s week and a half in Labraunda by Lidya ERCAN

Hello dear reader, this is Lidya! I stayed in the ancient s ite of Labraunda for almost two weeks in July 2019. It was not easy for me to work, eat, sleep, basically live alongside the bugs, crickets, spiders, and many more but it was one of the best decisions I have ever made (others, having studied law, spent a whole year in Hamburg as Erasmus students and learnt Latin, so you do the comparison!). Oh by the way, I am a recent law graduate from Bilkent University. And no worries, at the end of this post you will have seen how and why I am here. Figure 1: The Restoration Team!! For the first week I was a part of the restoration team and after that I helped our recently graduated architect and my lovely friend Eda while measuring and drawing some of the constructions. My first week was amazing, I tried something new and exciting every day, such as cleaning the walls of the Oikoi, the floor of the Doric House and some marbles from anything biological that have been...